What a way to start of my September blog post. Movie Marathon.
I looked at it and went "OMG. Did I just posted that up as my first post of the month? Am I getting dumbmer every day? CRAP." But I couldn't bring myself to re-schedule it for another day. So. Screw it. Leave it there. Here's another one from me to you.One of my Sunday at the Taman Tun night market.
By writing that, you guys sure know where to find me now during Sunday evening. Double crap. Anyway. It's a typical Sunday for me. This time I decided to make it more interesting by snapping some photos. 
爱玉冰 !
But it's kinda too sweet, and not enoungh jelly.
Still prefer the one at TBR there. ^^

Father's drink.
The lady added water for him because it was too sweet.
My father and brother had fried kuey teow so we ordered this 爱玉冰 drink. (Ai Yu Bing - for those who don't know how to read chinese). The fried kuey teow looks nice but too bad I did not snap a photo of it.
Yum! Nangka!
I think that's how you spell it.

Cow or Dog?
Dog head where got so big one right?
(sorry about my bad english)
It's a cow head by the way.
Without fail, there is always one cow head hanging at the stall every Sunday.

Orange, Green, Yellow, Orange, Green, Yellow.

and some random shot I took of the night market after taking the picture above.
I know it's not alot of photos but oh! Before I end the post, I am so happy to say that Kimi Raikkonen won the F1 race during the weekend! (sorry I HAD to emphasize)*****************************
Last weekend's race at the Belgium Grand Prix.
Truly awesome.

Kimi won! ^^

Go Kimi go!

Yeah man!
Kimi - The KING of Spa-Francorchamps
For the full race results, click *here*